General Assembly: 37th Plenary Meeting Item 12: Sport for Development and Peace

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Ambassador Harold Agyeman
Ghana’s Representative to the United Nations
General Assembly, United Nations HQ
November 12 2024
Mr. President,
Let me begin by thanking the Secretary-General for the report contained in document A/79/389, pursuant to resolution 77/27, which highlights the potential of sport as a key contributor for the
achievement of peace and the sustainable development goals. Indeed, sport is a sector that overcomes the barriers of language, borders, cultures, and generations and we encourage the further
efforts of Member States and organizations in advancing the United Nations Action Plan on Sport for Development and Peace.
While there is an intergenerational participation in most sports disciplines, Ghana particularly notes the potential impact that sport has on the youth especially for targets relating to the eradication of poverty, promotion of good health and wellbeing, access to quality education, reduction of gender inequalities and the promotion of peace. The growing youthful population of the world, constituting about 25 percent of the population, are dominant actors in sport and must rightfully continue to be the focus of engagement as we work towards sustaining peace and achieving the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
Through sports we can help the youth to better appreciate the diversity of skills of individuals, the importance of teamwork in addressing gaps in skills, and the reality that some days we lose and
other days we would win. These are important elements in helping to instill not only in the youth, but for all of society, the values of tolerance, respect, and mutual understanding as we work for peace.
Ghana in this regard appreciates the efforts that the continues to be made by major international sporting organisations such as FIFA and the IOC to improve the fairness of competitions and the removal of systemic racism from its events. We urge support for such initiatives as well as for the concerns of vulnerable or marginalized groups in sport everywhere. In this context we join the Secretary-General’s call for greater global investment in gender equality in sports to create inclusive spaces for women and girls to help realize Sustainable Development Goal 5. Promoting equality in sport should be a high priority. On our part, Ghana is taking steps to close the gender gap in sports participation and leadership and is creating a programme that encourages women and girls to participate actively and confidently in all sport disciples.
Mr. President,
Ghana has made the sporting sector a pillar of the national agenda. As we have seen sporting activities helping to build discipline, resilience, and leadership, Ghana has also witnessed the positive
impact of sports programmes in providing safe and structured environments in communities; reducing the involvement of young people in negative behaviors; and empowering the youth to achieve their potential. In Ghana, the government is expanding access to sports infrastructure in local communities to provide safe and inclusive spaces for play and community gatherings – these facilities have become community hubs where young people engage in structured activities, build valuable life skills, and foster a sense of belonging.
Ghana however believes that we have a shared responsibility to promote the benefits of sport beyond our borders and in furtherance of this, in March this year, we proudly hosted the 13th African
Games, welcoming athletes from across the continent in a celebration of unity, excellence, and shared pride. Through these Games, the African continent demonstrated its commitment to using
sport as a platform for peace and solidarity, illustrating how it can connect people, foster friendships, and strengthen communities.
Mr. President,
In closing let me highlight that, globally, sport has proven to be a powerful tool for rebuilding communities affected by conflict, creating safe spaces for young people, and encouraging healthier
lifestyles. Ghana reaffirms its commitment to the United Nations Action Plan on Sport for Development and Peace and holds that through sports we can reinforce a unifying force that drives us ever closer toward a more just, inclusive, and peaceful world for all. We urge greater and purposeful investments in sport. As has often been repeated, sports has the power to change the world.
I thank you.