UNSC Briefing & Consultations on the Middle East (Syria Chemical Weapons Programme)



J’ai l’honneur de prononcer cette déclaration conjointe au nom des États membres de l’A3 comprenant le Gabon, le Ghana et le Kenya. Je remercie la Haute-Représentante pour les Affaires de Désarmement, Mme Izaumi Nakamitsu pour sa présentation sur le dossier des armes chimiques en Syrie. Nous saluons la participation des distingués Représentants de la République Arabe Syrienne, de la République Islamique d’Iran et de la Turquie à cette réunion.


Monsieur le Président,
Les armes chimiques constituent une grave menace pour la paix et la sécurité internationales lorsqu’elles sont utilisées à des fins non pacifiques. En effet, leur action toxique peut avoir des conséquences dévastatrices et causer des dommages irréversibles aux vies humaines et aux biens. C’est en reconnaissance de ce danger que 193 États ont adhéré à la Convention sur l’Interdiction des Armes Chimiques, dont la République arabe syrienne, qui en est membre depuis 2013. Par leur adhésion, les États parties se sont engagés à respecter les termes de la Convention et assurer leur incorporation dans leur législation nationale et leur mise en œuvre ultérieure au niveau national. Par conséquent, en adhérant à la Convention, la République Arabe Syrienne s’est engagée à coopérer avec l’OIAC et à apporter l’appui nécessaire à son Secrétariat Technique, comme le prévoit l’article 7 de la Convention.
Mr. President,
In this regard, the A3 wishes to reaffirm its commitment to the provisions of the Convention as well as those of resolution 2118 (2013), which provides a framework for the rapid and verifiable destruction of chemical weapons in Syria and calls on the country to honour its obligation.  In this respect, the A3, reiterates its full support for the work of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), including its Secretariat, which is being inhibited from implementing its mandate in Syria. We take note of the 103rd monthly report of the Syrian Arab Republic on activities relating to the destruction of its chemical weapons and chemical weapons production facilities. Once again, we are concerned about the Secretariat’s assessment that the statements submitted by the Syrian Authorities cannot be considered as accurate and complete in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, resolution 2118 (2013) and the decisions of the Executive Council. Furthermore, we are concerned that the Secretariat is yet to receive the declaration from the Syrian Arab Republic regarding all undeclared types and quantities of nerve agents produced and/or militarized at a former chemical weapons production facility that was declared as never having been used to produce and/or militarize chemical warfare agents.
Mr. President,
We regret that, to date, the convening of the twenty-fifth round of consultations on Syria continues to be suspended due to the denial of entry visas to the lead technical expert of the Declaration Assessment Team (DAT). We stress that the on-site operations of the DAT are vital for implementing its mandated responsibilities and the relevant Executive Council decisions and reiterate the appeals made to the Syrian Authorities to grant unfettered access into the country for all members of the team. In this regard, we encourage increased cooperation between the Secretariat of OPCW and the Syrian Authorities in order to make meaningful progress and to bring closure to the issue.
Indeed, we believe that high-level direct exchanges between the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of the Syrian Arab Republic and the Director General of the OPCW could help to restore confidence and give the necessary impetus to move forward with the various aspects of the programme and encourage greater commitment to strengthen cooperation. We also welcome the extension of the Tripartite Agreement between the OPCW, the Syrian Arab Republic and UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services) until 31 December this year. This extension will help facilitate the mandated activities of the Secretariat with regards to the total elimination of the Syrian chemical weapons programme.
Mr. President,
We note the continued efforts of the fact-finding mission to Syria and the investigation and identification team, in accordance with the relevant decisions of the Executive Council, and reiterate the need for them to remain independent, transparent and impartial in the execution of their respective mandates. We also take note of the forthcoming deployments of FFM to the Syrian Arab Republic and await the outcomes of the work of the Mission. The A3 will continue to support measures aim at ensuring accountability that will help strengthen deterrence and reinforce established norms against the use of chemical weapons.
To conclude, we reiterate our request for the support of the Council to address more constructively, the issues impeding progress in the full implementation of resolution 2118 (2013).
I thank you for your attention